This chapter describes how to obtain the packages and data needed to reproduce the analyses performed in this tutorial.
0.1 Installations
0.1.1 Using conda (recommended)
To build a conda environment containing the three metacell building tools used in this tutorial (SuperCell, MC2 and SEACells), please follow the instructions provided in the README of our MetacellAnalysisToolkit github repository.
Then run the following lines to define the python path to use.
conda_env <- conda_list()[reticulate::conda_list()$name == "MetacellAnalysisToolkit","python"]
The following R packages should also be installed. This tutorial was developed under Seurat V4 but is also compatible with Seurat V5.
remotes::install_github("GfellerLab/SuperCell",upgrade = "never")
remotes::install_github("GfellerLab/MetacellAnalysisToolkit",upgrade = "never")
remotes::install_github("rstudio/reticulate",upgrade = "never") #temporary fix for reading sparse matrix with R anndata
#install.packages("Seurat") # uncoment to update Seurat to V5 since V5 not yet on conda
#BiocManager::install('limma',update = F) # uncoment if Seurat V5 used
0.1.2 Without conda
If you don’t have conda, you can use the following instructions:
Set up a python virtual environment with MC2 and SEACells installed:
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv my_env
source my_env/bin/activate
# Installing SEACells
pip install git+
# Install MC2
pip install git+
In R, install the SuperCell package:
remotes::install_github("GfellerLab/SuperCell", upgrade = "never")
To run python function in R, install reticulate:
To use the python libraries installed in the virtual environment, define the RETICULATE_PYTHON variable as follow:
echo 'RETICULATE_PYTHON=my_env/bin/python' > '.Renviron'
The following R packages should also be installed. This tutorial was developed under Seurat V4 but is also compatible with Seurat V5.
remotes::install_github("GfellerLab/SuperCell",upgrade = "never")
remotes::install_github("GfellerLab/MetacellAnalysisToolkit",upgrade = "never")
remotes::install_github("rstudio/reticulate",upgrade = "never") #temporary fix for reading sparse matrix with R anndata
#install.packages("Seurat") # uncoment to update Seurat to V5 since V5 not yet on conda
#BiocManager::install('limma',update = F) # uncoment if Seurat V5 used
0.2 Retrieve a discrete dataset (Bone marrow dataset)
To test metacell construction on a discrete dataset, we retrieved the “bmcite” dataset from the SeauratData R package containing around 30’000 cells.
The data are saved in the following file for future analyses in R (use of SuperCell): “data/bmcite/singlecell_seurat_filtered.rds”.
#> The legacy packages maptools, rgdal, and rgeos, underpinning this package
#> will retire shortly. Please refer to R-spatial evolution reports on
#> for details.
#> This package is now running under evolution status 0
#> ── Installed datasets ───────────────────────────────────── SeuratData v0.2.2 ──
#> ✔ bmcite 0.3.0
#> ────────────────────────────────────── Key ─────────────────────────────────────
#> ✔ Dataset loaded successfully
#> ❯ Dataset built with a newer version of Seurat than installed
#> ❓ Unknown version of Seurat installed
#> Warning: The following packages are already installed and will not be
#> reinstalled: bmcite
#> An object of class Seurat
#> 17034 features across 30672 samples within 2 assays
#> Active assay: RNA (17009 features, 2000 variable features)
#> 1 other assay present: ADT
#> 1 dimensional reduction calculated: spca
#> orig.ident nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA nCount_ADT nFeature_ADT
#> a_AAACCTGAGCTTATCG-1 bmcite 7546 2136 1350 25
#> a_AAACCTGAGGTGGGTT-1 bmcite 1029 437 2970 25
#> a_AAACCTGAGTACATGA-1 bmcite 1111 429 2474 23
#> a_AAACCTGCAAACCTAC-1 bmcite 2741 851 4799 25
#> a_AAACCTGCAAGGTGTG-1 bmcite 2099 843 5434 25
#> a_AAACCTGCACGGTAGA-1 bmcite 2291 783 4658 25
#> lane donor celltype.l1 celltype.l2 RNA.weight
#> a_AAACCTGAGCTTATCG-1 HumanHTO4 batch1 Progenitor cells Prog_RBC 0.4827011
#> a_AAACCTGAGGTGGGTT-1 HumanHTO1 batch1 T cell gdT 0.2417890
#> a_AAACCTGAGTACATGA-1 HumanHTO5 batch1 T cell CD4 Naive 0.5077136
#> a_AAACCTGCAAACCTAC-1 HumanHTO3 batch1 T cell CD4 Memory 0.4313079
#> a_AAACCTGCAAGGTGTG-1 HumanHTO2 batch1 Mono/DC CD14 Mono 0.5685085
#> a_AAACCTGCACGGTAGA-1 HumanHTO6 batch1 B cell Naive B 0.4255879
bmcite$celltype_simplified <- plyr::revalue(bmcite$celltype.l2,
c("CD8 Effector_1" = "Non-Naive CD8 cell",
"CD8 Effector_2" = "Non-Naive CD8 cell",
"CD8 Memory_1" = "Non-Naive CD8 cell",
"CD8 Memory_2" = "Non-Naive CD8 cell",
"CD8 Naive" = "Naive T cell",
"CD4 Naive" = "Naive T cell",
"CD4 Memory" = "Non-Naive CD4 cell",
"Treg" = "Non-Naive CD4 cell",
"Naive B" = "B cell",
"Memory B" = "B cell",
"CD56 bright NK" = "NK",
"MAIT" = "Unconventional T",
"gdT" = "Unconventional T",
"Prog_B 2" = "Prog_B",
"Prog_B 1" = "Prog_B",
"Prog_Mk" = "MEP",
"Prog_RBC" = "MEP"
if(packageVersion("Seurat") >= 5) {
bmcite[["RNA"]] <- as(object = bmcite[["RNA"]], Class = "Assay")
saveRDS(bmcite, file = paste0("data/bmcite/singlecell_seurat_filtered.rds"))
The data are saved in the following file for future analyses in python (use of SEACells and MC2): “data/bmcite/singlecell_anndata_filtered.h5ad”.
adata <- AnnData(X = Matrix::t(bmcite@assays$RNA@counts),
var = data.frame(genes = rownames(bmcite@assays$RNA@counts)),
obs =
write_h5ad(adata, paste0("data/bmcite/singlecell_anndata_filtered.h5ad"))
0.3 Retrieve a continuous dataset (CD34 dataset)
To test metacell construction on continuous dataset, we retrieved the CD34 dataset provided in (Persad et al. 2023):
mkdir -p data/CD34
wget -O data/CD34/cd34_multiome_rna.h5ad ''
The downloaded file will be used in the section 4.
0.4 Retrieve the lung atlas dataset
This dataset will be used for the integration of a large number of single-cell datasets at the level of metacells (see section 5). Considering, the large size of the data to download, if you don’t consider running the integration analysis, you can skip this part of the tutorial.
0.4.1 Downloading the atlas
To illustrate how metacells can be used in the context of single-cell data integration,
we used a cell atlas of the human lung (core) available on cellxgene.
To download the data, please choose the .h5ad
option after clicking on the download button for the core atlas (3 tissues, 584’944 cells).
Save these data in the data/HLCA/
Please note that this may take some time (~45 mins) as the file is quite large (5.6 GB).
0.4.2 Splitting atlas by datasets
We will use anndata to read in backed mode (saving a lot of memory) the whole atlas and write one h5ad file for each dataset. This should take less than 10 minutes.
If you are limited in time feel free to process only a subset of the dataset.
t0.split <- Sys.time()
adata <- read_h5ad("data/HLCA/local.h5ad",backed = "r")
adata$var_names <- adata$var$feature_name # We will use gene short name for downstream analyses
datasets <- unique(adata$obs$dat)
# If you are limited in time you can process on half of the datasets (uncomment th following line)
# datasets <- datasets[1:7]
lapply(datasets,FUN = function(x) {
dir.create(paste0("data/HLCA/datasets/",x),recursive = T)
adata.dataset <- AnnData(X = adata[adata$obs$dataset == x]$raw$X,
var = adata[adata$obs$dataset == x]$var,
obs = adata[adata$obs$dataset == x]$obs)
#This will allow us to construct supervised metacell for each cell type in each sample later in the tutorial
adata.dataset$obs$ann <- as.character(adata.dataset$obs$ann_level_3)
# For cell without an annotation at the 3rd level we will use the second level of annotation
adata.dataset$obs$ann[adata.dataset$obs$ann_level_3 == 'None'] = as.character(adata.dataset$obs$ann_level_2[adata.dataset$obs$ann_level_3 == 'None'])
adata.dataset$obs$ann_sample <- paste0(adata.dataset$obs$ann,"_",adata.dataset$obs$sample)
tf.split <- Sys.time()
tf.split - t0.split